Тем не менее TurnToolBox2008 по прежнему совместим с 32-битной версией 3D Studio Max.
Ниже представлен полный список програм поддерживаемых TurnToolBox2008:
3D Studio MAX 6.x
3D Studio MAX 7.x
3D Studio MAX 8.x
3D Studio MAX 9.x
3D Studio MAX 9.x - 64 bit
3D Studio MAX 2008
3D Studio MAX 2008 - 64 bit
Autodesk VIZ 5.x
Autodesk VIZ 2005
Autodesk VIZ 2006
Autodesk VIZ 2007
Autodesk VIZ 2008
Autodesk VIZ 2008 - 64 bit
Cinema4D 8.5
Cinema4D 9.x
Cinema4D 10.x
ArchiCAD 9.x
ArchiCAD 10.x
ArchiCAD 11.x
Our users have asked for an easy to use walk-camera with physic abillities. TurnToolBox2008 introduces a new and easy way to set-up a walk-object. When a Walk-object is used in a TurnTool scene, the end-user can walk around in your scene using the arrow keys from a web-browser. Previously the artist had to create a physics sphere and link that to a camera. This process has proven too difficult as there was too much room for mistakes.
The new TNT-Walk primitive creates a correctly set-up Walk-Object by a single click. The height and radius can then be configured separately and multiple pre-sets of physics settings can be chosen from a drop-down menu. This allows you to achieve better results in less time.
TurnToolBox2008 automatically detects the installation paths for 3D-Studio Max and Autodesk Viz.
Autodesk Viz now has its own install panel so it can be installed separately from 3D Studio Max.
Various bug-fixes and optimizations have been implemented to the TurnTool Core. This gives you fewer problems and better performance.
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