Дата добавления на сайт:
2006-08-21 01:29:12

Формат книги:

15.3 MB
Macromedia Fireworks MX 2004 Fast and Easy Web Development
Оригинальное описание:
«I found the book follows a good logical progression for learning the basics of Dreamweaver MX and Web design in general. However, there are many screen shots through the book for following the examples of which you literally meed a microscope - I have good eyesight and could not make out most of the microscopic text. This is a BIG disappointment, otherwise a great book.

Dont spend your time wading through manuals to learn Macromedia Fireworks MX. Spend it doing what you do best creating Web pages! From the basics of getting started with and customizing Fireworks MX to designing interactive Web graphics and integrating Fireworks MX with Dreamweaver MX, Macromedia ®Fireworks ®MX Fast & Easy ®Web Development offers a unique, hands-on approach that you wont find anywhere else. Less time, less effort, more results!» (на английском языке)

Download: ftp://babis.homeip.net/computers/webdevel/Premier_Press_Macromedia_Fireworks_MX_2004_Fast_and_Easy_Web_Development.zip
Размер: 15.3 MB
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